How can restaurants & bars survive COVID-19 pandemic?
Heleri Rande wrote: We are in unprecedented times with the COVID-19 pandemic ravaging the travel and hospitality sector. Public health organisations and governments may advise us on how to deal with the disease here and now, but there are many unanswered questions as to how to deal with the fallout. In this article we […]

10 Things You Should Do If You’re Unemployed
Regardless of your background, times today are tough. Uneven economies around the world have made it incredibly difficult for many people to find work. Regardless of age and qualification, stretches of unemployment have affected us all in recent years. While we might not be able to control being unemployed, we can control how we react […]

How The Coronavirus Outbreak Will Change Careers And Lives For The Foreseeable Future
The coronavirus started out as a health pandemic, but the outbreak will create long-lasting changes to the way we live and work. Non-essential businesses were closed and government officials—at federal and state levels—told citizens to stay home. Schools were closed, forcing elementary to college students to remain housebound too. With nearly everyone working and studying […]